Welcome to CCIS!

CCIS supports international graduate students, visiting scholars, postdocs, and their families at Stanford University by offering gracious and helpful connections between Stanford Internationals and the community.

We are a volunteer organization affiliated with the Bechtel International Center at Stanford University.


English Classes
English Classes information
English Classes schedule

English in Action: Converse & Connect
English in Action information

Global Chefs Dinner
Global Chefs Dinner information

International Spouse Coffee
Meets from 10:30 to noon on Wednesdays every week Stanford is in session.
Intl Spouse Coffee information

Loan Closet
Loan Closet information

Read our newsletter
CCIS NOTES - for Members
2024 Nov.-Dec.

Social Media posts
Our bi-weekly posts may include interesting things to do in the Palo Alto area.
CCIS LinkedIn page
CCIS Facebook page

CCIS History
CCIS History Timeline

Top image: Internationals and volunteers socialize during Intl Spouse Coffee. Bottom image: Two woman in front of a stove. One is stirring a pot.