INTERNATIONAL SPOUSE COFFEE (formerly Friday Morning Coffee)

An ideal opportunity to meet other internationals and local residents and learn about programs, events and helpful resources in the Bay area. This weekly event is co-sponsored by CCIS and the Bechtel International Center.


For Internationals

The International Spouse Coffee is a special weekly gathering for all international spouses and partners.

It offers a chance to make friends, learn about your new community and get ideas for how you can pursue your interests or education in the Stanford area. Community volunteers welcome all of Stanford’s international community to be part of this lively, informal gathering.

Two female international spouses enjoy International Spouse Coffee via Zoom.

To participate

Join us anytime from 10:30 to noon on Wednesdays at the Bechtel International Center. We meet every week Stanford is in session.

Other opportunities to connect

For more information contact:

For CCIS Volunteers

International Spouse Coffee Volunteers help welcome new international spouses and families and introduce them to other internationals and to local resources related to their individual needs and interests.

CCIS Volunteers play a number of roles, from greeting and providing local information to newly arrived families to engaging attendees in English practice and helping them get acquainted with one another.

Volunteers are also a source of tips about living in the Stanford area, such as farmer’s markets, libraries, schools and ideas for weekend outings.

CCIS female volunteer with three female spouses and two babies.

To participate

Join us anytime from 10:30 to noon on Wednesdays at the Bechtel International Center. We meet every week Stanford is in session.

Other opportunities to connect

For more information contact: