The Loan Closet provides second-hand and new household items: kitchenware (pots, pans, dishes), linens (blankets, sheets and towels), irons, toasters, etc., for international students and visitors to borrow during their time at Stanford. Items in the closet were either donated by CCIS volunteers or purchased using the nominal fees charged each student who borrows items.

The Loan Closet will be open on weekdays, from Monday, September 9 through Friday, September 20, from 10 am to 4 pm.


For Internationals Smiling international man in Loan Closet.

“The Loan Closet is a really great place to find everything you need when setting up house. Please convey a big thank you to all the volunteers and staff who make this possible.”
—Ashwin Sunil Apte

The Loan Closet is located in the basement of Abrams in Escondido Village. Appointments are required. See below for additional details.

Smiling international couple selecting items from the Loan Closet.

Participation requirements

For more information contact:

CCIS volunteer loading Loan Closet shelves.

For CCIS Volunteers

At any time during the year, but particularly in early September, we would love your donation of household goods in clean and gently used condition. Small appliances—such as toasters, rice cookers, tea kettles and coffee makers—are especially welcome.

The Loan Closet also needs flatware, plates, bowls, drinking glasses, cutlery, manual can openers, pots and pans.

We could use your help at the Loan Closet during the two weeks of Orientation in mid-September.

Male volunteer welcoming internationals into the Loan Closet.

Participation requirements

Contact the Loan Closet chair to:

For more information contact: